T1- Requirements, architecture and methodology

This task aims at establishing a reference system architecture and methodology for realizing IT and Embedded Integrated Systems. Due to its nature and objectives, the ITEmIS vision should not be technology-specific and should enable integrating any new technology into the ITEmIS architecture and methodology. Certainly, ITEmIS is based on state-of-the-art paradigms that have been well proved in either the IT or the embedded domain, such as Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), Component-Based Service Engineering (CBSE) and Model-Driven Engineering (MDE). Furthermore, targeting tangible exploitation results, the ITEmIS architecture and methodology is concretized in a second step by reusing today's cutting-edge technologies that realize the above paradigms, in particular coming from current ANR-funded platforms. Nevertheless, existing technologies are far from sufficient for ITEmIS systems. The challenging nature of the ITEmIS architecture and methodology is due to the extreme heterogeneity of IT/embedded systems that constitute ITEmIS systems and the increased need of ITEmIS systems for scalability and agility.

Task 1 is decomposed into the following subtasks:

Subtask 1.1: Requirement gathering from use case

The objective of this subtask is to produce a comprehensive set of requirements for the ITEmIS reference system architecture and methodology by analyzing the use case specified in Task 5. Requirements concerning both the ITEmIS SOM and the ITEmIS meta-models & tools are identified from the use case. 

Subtask 1.2: ITEmIS service-oriented middleware architecture

This subtask aims to establish the ITEmIS SOM architecture. This architecture concerns the runtime phase of ITEmIS systems and includes two vertically layered entities, from top to bottom, the ITEmIS services & workflows and the ITEmIS service infrastructure, and a transversal one, the ITEmIS Quality of Service (QoS). The design of all three architectural entities is governed by the key concerns of heterogeneity and scalability.

Subtask 1.3: ITEmIS meta-models & tools methodology

This subtask aims to establish the ITEmIS meta-models & tools methodology. This methodology concerns the design-, development- and deployment-time phases of ITEmIS systems. Same as the ITEmIS SOM architecture, this methodology also addresses the ITEmIS services & workflows, ITEmIS service infrastructure, and ITEmIS QoS. Besides heterogeneity and scalability, agility in developing ITEmIS systems is here a major concern.

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