Work packages and deliverables

WP0: Project management, dissemination and valorization

Leader: Thales

Title Status
Dissemination Result Pending (T0+30)
Development plan Pending (T0+30)
Standardisation result Pending (T0+30)

WP1: Requirements gathering and technical architecture


Title Status
Semantic service architecture: final specification Pending (T0+24)
ESB platform architectuire: final specification Pending (T0+24)

WP2: Semantic description, SLA and QoS

Leader: TELECOM SudParis

Title Status
Semantic description of functional properties of services, contexts and user preference download
Semantic description of dependability, security and QoS download
QoS and dependability support framework download
Registry specification download
Registry implementation Pending (T0+27)

WP3: Monitoring and orchestration

Leader: France Telecom

Title Status
Functional prototype for the monitoring infrastructure of the JBI platform Pending...
Integration of the monitoring infrastructure with DASIMA & CompositeProbes Pending (T0+24)
Integration with autonomic repair functionalities provided by JADE/JASMINE into the ESB Infrastructure Pending (T0+28)
QoS querying interface Pending (T0+24)
QoS aware BPEL engine Pending (T0+24)
Decision framework Pending (T0+24)
Integration of security services and security patterns in service composition download
Integration of a multi-model approach to guide semantic service composition Pending (T0+28)
Dependable service reconfiguration Pending (T0+28)

WP4: Tooling for design and monitoring


Title Status
Design tooling in Eclipse Pending (T0+24)
Full Management console (integrated with Composite Probes, DASIMA, Jade/Jasmine and COMPAS) Pending (T0+24)
Web browser-based tools for "designing-by-community" Pending (T0+24)

WP5: Use-cases

Leader:EBM WebSourcing

Title Status
Use cases definitions download
UC1 Pending (T0+30)
UC2 Pending (T0+30)
UC3 Pending (T0+30)
Technology assessment and derivation of potential business models for each Use-case. Pending (T0+30)
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