SocEDA (for SOCial Event Driven Architecture) is an ANR [National Research Agency] project during 3 years (from November 2010 to November 2013). It has been labeled by two competitiveness cluster ("pôles de compétitivité"), PEGASE and SCS.
The aim of this project is to provide a "Cloud based platform for large scale social aware Event-Driven Architecture (EDA)".
The goal of SocEDA is to develop and validate an elastic and reliable federated SOA architecture for dynamic and complex event-driven interaction in large highly distributed and heterogeneous service systems. Such architecture will enable exchange of contextual information between heterogeneous services, providing the possibilities to optimize/personalize the execution of them, according to social network information.
The main outcome will be a platform for event-driven interaction between services, that scales at the Internet level based on the proposed architecture and that addresses Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. The platform consists of:
- Federated middleware layer: a peer-to-peer overlay network combined with a publish/subscribe mechanism, that has the task to collect events coming from the heterogeneous and distributed services,
- Distributed complex event processor: an elastic, distributed computing cloud based engine for complex processing of events coming from different services in order to detect interesting situations a service should react on
- Social aware event modeling and matching and an event based workflow engine for filtering event and proposing adaptation and changes in running business processes and services.
- A monitoring and governance framework as well as a mashup frontend to describe and manage services as well as business events.
The system will be tested in two use cases: crisis management and air traffic flow management, showing the advantages of such an architecture for the Future Internet. If you want more information about this framework, please consult "Architecture Section"...
The SocEDA project groups together 2 enterprises (Thales Communication and France Telecom), 2 small-sized start-up companies (PetalsLink and ActiveEon) and 5 research laboratories (EMAC, CNRS/I3S, CNRS/LIG, INSA Lyon/LIRIS, INRIA). The leadership of the project is taken by the PetalsLink. If you want more information about this consortium, please consult "Partners Section"...
This project has emerged thanks to research results of previous ANR and European projects such as Itemis (ANR), Isycri (ANR), Semeuse (ANR), ScorWare (ANR) and SOA4ALL (European) projects. So, this framework is based different existing tools such as: Frascati (INRIA/ADAM), Pro-Active (I3S), EasyBPEL (PetalsLink), PEtALS Master (PetalsLink) and PEtALS ESB (PetalsLink)... If you want more information about the creation of SocEDA, please consult "History Section"...