Web Site: [https://salty.unice.fr/|https://salty.unice.fr/]
SALTY (Self-Adaptive very Large disTributed sYstems) is an ANR-funded research project (Agence Nationale de la Recherche - ANR-09-SEGI-012). It aims at providing an innovative self-managing software framework at run-time for Very-Large Scale Distributed Systems (VLSDS).
In few years, the software industry has adopted the service architectures paradigm to manage complexity, heterogeneity, adaptability and costs. The growing demand leads to the deployment of ever-larger scale systems, which reliability or performance are impaired by hardly predictable events (software faults, hardware failures, mobility, etc). Consequently, a lot of work towards software and hardware self-adaptations has been carried out and deployed into the field redundancy, resources reservation, scheduling, etc), but none of them is designed to address run-time self-adaptation of VLSDSs that consistently federate local platforms into a global distributed system to support collaborating applications.