
Task number Leader Task title Description
0 TCF Project Management, dissemination and valorisation Project management, dissemination, standardisation and exploitation
1 ARLES Requirements, architecture and methodology To define ITEmIS' requirements along with the reference system architecture and methodology for realizing IT and Embedded Integrated Systems
2 EBM ITEmIS infrastructure To deal with the integration of legacy elements onto the ITEmIS infrastructure (whatever the size of the hosting hardware): IIOP, JMS, DDS, HTTP/SOAP and so forth
3 ARLES ITEmIS workflow engine and tooling To address the workflow engine extended to serve sensors and actuators, including the composition language for lightweight sensors and actuators, along with associated design and verification tools
4 ADAM Component-based ITEmIS service engineering To integrate the administration tools, and the packaging and deployment capabilities of lwCCM and JBI under SCA, along with associated verification tools
5 TCF Assessment Definition of a use case and the assessment of ITEmIS based on the implementation of the use case
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