
NameDescriptionParticipates inMore info
Website: LM2O
The Laboratory of Modeling and Management Organizations (LM2O) develops and applies the MDI (Model Driven Interoperability) approach
The research topics are:
• Business Modeling
• Interoperability
• Transportation / Logistics
• Knowledge Management


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Website: CNAM - Pays de la Loire
Regional public center, the involvement of the CNAM in ISTA3 Project is mainly to manage and to participate to the work concerning the training methods and interoperability concepts developed by the project partners.


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The Industrial Engineering department of the Ecole des Mines d’ALBI is subdivided into three main themes:
  • Structuring and exploitation of knowledge base in product/process design,
  • Collaboration of organization, interoperability of information system and project management,
  • Flow management in production and in supply chain networks.

ISTA3, ISyCri, Jones, Open PAAS, Play, SocEDA

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Website: ENIT
The work of Automated Production (PA)team of the Production Engineering Laboratory (LGP) of the School concerns different complementary aspects of the supply chain management: planning, control, supervision and simulation.


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Website: ESTIA
ESTIA develops a multidisciplinary research activity. Concerning ISTA3 Project, the team working on the product design process and organizations engineering is more particularly concerned.


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Website: GFI
GFI group is a leading actor on the European market for services and information technology. Through its representation of Toulouse, GFI is leader of ISTA3 Project and brings its expertise in Systems Interoperability and Enterprise Applications (ISAE), its experience in industrial projects and expertise in the management and coordination of major projects.


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Website: -
  • MIPNET / JTT: Conducts studies, design and manufacture of composite parts (non flying parts). It is located at Lespinasse (31) and employs 24 staff.
  • MIPNET / Hacoma: realizes thermoplastic matrices. It is located at Lacapelle (46) and employs 5 staff.


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Petals Link is an IT open-source editor (SME) established on 2004 in Toulouse, France. With more than 30 people specialized in middleware technology and service oriented architecture, Petals Link provides a strong added value in term of service infrastructure technologies as well as modeling and development tools. Petals Link offers support and professional services for users of their technologies that are provided in open-source inside the OW2 open-source Consortium (, the European open-source middleware community.

ALERT, CHOReOS, Contrail, Genesis, ISTA3, ISyCri, ITEmIS, Jones, Play, Process 2.0, Salty, SCOrWare, Semeuse, Siminthec, SOA4ALL, SocEDA, Synergy

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Website: Sysmeca
Sysmeca is design and production company with scientific and technical expertise in aeronautics. It employs 6 staff.


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Website: UB1
IMS is a research unit affiliated with the University of Bordeaux 1, ENSEIRB, ENSCPB and CNRS.
IMS is structured into three departments including the LAPS.
LAPS Department is itself divided into three research groups including the ERP one (GRAI) involved in this project.
GRAI group is involved in the supply chain management (Supply Chain Management) and more specifically through the thematic "Decision Support and Control of Production Systems” (ADC) to the operating models and Enterprise Modeling and Performance for modeling and performance measurement.


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Website: LINA
The COD team (Knowledge and Decision) of the LINA (Laboratoire d'Informatique de Nantes Atlantique) is involved in the design of a large and complex company and subcontractors ontology.


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Partnership Partner organization
Role in the project
Industrial pilots
31 - Lespinasse
- Bring application case
- Bring business knowledge and know-how
- Validate developed prototypes
Industrial pilots MIPNET SAS - Hacoma
46 - Lacapelle Marical
Industrial pilots SYSMECA Ingénierie
31 - Colomiers
R&D centers
École supérieure de Technologies
Industrielles Avancées de Bidart
64 - Bidart
- Design and engineering of industrial products
R&D centers ARMINES - École des Mines d'Albi-Carmaux
81 - Albi
- Mediation system (ontology)
R&D centers École Nationale d'Ingénieur de Tarbes
65 - Tarbes
- Organizational performances
R&D centers Université Bordeaux I - IMS-LAPS-GRAI
33 - Talence
- Enterprise design methodology, performance, MDI
- Strategic, tactical and operational management of organizations partnership
R&D centers École Centrale de Lille - LM2O
59 - Lille
- Model Driven Interoperability (MDI)
- Enterprise modeling
R&D centers Université de Nantes - LINA
44 - Nantes
- Ontology design and engineering
IT consulting company
EBM Websourcing - Petals Link
31 - Toulouse
- Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) open-source editor
- Specifie, design and develop prototypes
IT consulting company GFI
31 - Toulouse
- Knowledge in management and project coordination
- Communication, Accompaniment of change
- Project owner assistance for specification and model
- Methods knowledge in interoperability (ISAE)
Training organism
Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers
Pays de la Loire
44 - St Nazaire
- Professional training
- Scientific and technical knowledge dissemination

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