Work packages and deliverables

WP1: Requirements and Architecture

Leader: PetalsLink

Id Name Type Status
D1.1.1 Requirements of the project Document (T0+15)
D1.2.1 Overall Framework Model Document (T0+12)
D1.2.2 SocEDA Framework Architecture Document pending (T0+36)

WP2: Federated Middleware Layer

Leader: INRIA/Sophia

Id Name Type Status
D2.1.1 Social Service Modelling Document (T0+9)
D2.1.2 Social-aware Event Modelling and Matching Document (T0+18)
D2.2.1 Esper Engine versus requirements Document (T0+18)
D2.2.2 A POC to illustrate Esper engine Implementation (T0+24)
D2.2.3 Identification of requirements to support distributed CEP Document (T0+18)
D2.2.4 SocEDA distributed CEP engine specification and implementation Specification and Prototype pending (T0+36)
D2.3.1 Requirements to support reliable and efficient event brokering Document (T0+12)
D2.3.2 SocEDA federated middleware specification and implementation V1 Document and Prototype (T0+18)
D2.3.3 SocEDA federated middleware specification and implementation V2 Document and Prototype pending (T0+36)
D2.4.1 Detailed SOTA of workflow adaptation/flexibility Document (T0+9)
D2.4.2 Adaptation Service (AdS) specification according to the workflow engine used in the ESBs Document (T0+18)
D2.4.3 AdS implementation V1 Implementation (T0+24)
D2.4.4 Ads implementation V2 Implementation pending (T0+36)

WP3: Monitoring and Governance

Leader: Thales Communication

Id Name Type Status
D3.1.1 Specification of the event-based monitoring framework V1 Document (T0+15)
D3.1.2 Specification of the event-based monitoring framework V2 and implementation V1 Document and Prototype (T0+28)
D3.1.3 Final specification of the event-based monitoring framework and implementation
Document and Prototype  (T0+36)
D3.2.1 Specification of the governance infrastructure v1 Document (T0+12)
D3.2.2 Specification of the governance infrastructure v2 and implementation v1 Document and Prototype (T0+18)
D3.2.3 Specification of the governance infrastructure v3 and implementation v2 Document and Prototype pending (T0+36)
D3.2.4 Web-based administration console Implementation pending (T0+36)

WP4: Design Tool

Leader: France Telecom

Id Name Type Status
D4.1.1 Relevant SOTA in CEP system Document (T0+9)
D4.1.2 Esper CEP interface specification and implementation V1 Document and Prototype (T0+12)
D4.1.3 Esper CEP interface specification and implementation V2 Document and Prototype (T0+18)
D4.1.4 Extension of the CEP Editor for mashup and events Document and Prototype (T0+36)
D4.2.1 Identification of requirements to support mashup composition tool Document (T0+6)
D4.2.2 Specification of mashup composition tool Document (T0+12)
D4.2.3 Web based tool SolutionV0 Implementation (T0+18)
D4.2.4 Android UI Designer
Document (T0+24)
D4.2.5 Web-based tool specification and solution V1 Document and Prototype (T0+36)

WP5: Integration and Validation

Leader: ActiveEon

Id Name Type Status
D5.1.1 Integrated SocEDA documentation(fr)
Integrated SocEDA documentation(eng)
Document and Prototype (T0+18)
D5.1.2 Integrated SocEDA platform and documentation updated Document and Prototype pending (T0+36)
D5.1.3 Assessment and delivery of the SocEDA integrated platform Document pending (T0+36)
D5.2.1 SocEDA open-source package Packaging pending (T0+18)
D5.2.2 SocEDA open-source package updated Packaging pending (T0+36)
D5.3.1 Use case description Document (T0+9)
D5.3.2 Use case architecture using the SocEDA platform Document (T0+18)
D5.3.3 Use case prototype Prototype pending (T0+30)
D5.3.4 Use case tuned prototype and report Document and Prototype pending (T0+36)
D5.4.1 Use case description Document (T0+14)
D5.4.2 Use case architecture using the SocEDA platform Document  (T0+25)
D5.4.3 Use case prototype Prototype pending (T0+30)
D5.4.4 Use case tuned prototype and report Document and Prototype pending (T0+36)
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