CIM Group

Company name: CIM Group

Projects: ALERT, Play, Synergy

CIM College d.o.o. is regarded as the top institution in Western Balkan (particularly in the countries of Former Yugoslavia) for software research & development, business process management, quality management consulting, and publishing.

In order to be at the cutting edge of business process improvement using software development technologies, CIM College d.o.o. developed its own process-oriented platform for component software development - OPISysTM. OPISysTM stands for Object Process Integration System, designed for information systems development, based on processes with component modules. OPISysTM operates in Intranet/Internet environment and provides crucial support for effective and efficient business performance. OPISysTM information systems are customer-tailored solutions, enabling flexibility at the business process design layer, workflow execution layer, and quality monitoring layer. Moreover, 15+ software solutions for quality tools and methods developed by CIM are widely implemented in the leading organizations and R&D projects enabling the ultimate benefits of automated quality management.
CIM College d.o.o. is regarded as the top institution in Western Balkan (particularly in the countries of Former Yugoslavia) for software research & development, business process management, quality management consulting, and publishing. Besides Serbia, CIM has satisfied customers all over the region. The same is true for the joint venture partnerships, which are existent Europe-wide (e.g. Austria, Croatia, etc.). Ever since 1991, when CIM was founded, we invested significant resources in helping organizations from the region of Southeast Europe improve their business processes, by providing software support and consulting services. Over time, we were able to create a knowledge base, build-up know-how, and gain experience in process management. An important aspect of our know-how relates to the ability of implementing business process models in practice. High representatives of CIM College d.o.o. are members of the leading international organizations in the fields such as ASQ or ISO/IEC Committee for the development of standards for software and system engineering. Besides our participation on the commercial projects, CIM College d.o.o. successfully participates in software R&D projects partially sponsored by the European Commission within the FP6 and FP7. CIM College d.o.o. is also committed to realization of software R&D projects partially sponsored by the government of the Russian federation. CIM College d.o.o. closely collaborates with the University of Niš. CIM TTC (Technology Transfer Center) is the laboratory that serves as a hub for research information sharing, personnel selection, etc. between the University and CIM College d.o.o.


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