Company name: Constellation Technologies
Projects: Contrail
Constellation Technologies Ltd is a spin out SME from STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory.
The Company is commercialising grid and cloud computing technologies from the STFC and other European based academic insti- tutions. Grid/cloud computing is an exciting growth area of IT services but requires consider- able skills in developing products and services that are useful and easy to use for customers. Translating the theoretical benefits from using grid/cloud computing into real advantages within businesses is both complicated and problem specific. The Company has been set up to provide this detailed and unique service to individual customers which have these massive computing needs. Constellation supplies any grid/cloud computing solution to any customer needing ac- cess to massive computing tasks. Large scale computing requirements can be found across many industrial sectors; financial services, pharmaceutical/biotech, media, metrology, engineering and many others. The service depends on the demand but almost always involves grid, cloud and application program development Constellation already has already sold cloud solutions to a major pharmaceutical company by providing expertise and technology to addressing their large computing challenges. The Company is also involved in a number of other initiatives to exploit the research work developed from the UK and European research base.