
Company name: ScalAgent

Projects: ITEmIS, Jones

ScalAgent Distributed Technologies is a startup company spin-off from INRIA and Bull, which aims at developing and market advanced mediation solutions for large-scale Internet business infrastructure and applications. ScalAgent D.T. is a middleware specialist, who provides software and expertise to integrate devices and services with the information system (M2M).

ScalAgent D.T. has designed JORAM, a JMS-compliant Message Oriented Middleware distributed by OW2 ( ScalAgent D.T. offers support and professional services for JORAM users, including a development and deployment training programme, consulting for application and/or deployment architectures, and specific developments extending or using JORAM.

ScalAgent DT also distributes a M2M framework, ScalAgent Mediation Suite, built on top of JORAM. It provides tools for configuring, deploying, monitoring and controlling a network of devices over Internet. It also processes the devices data, making them an actual part of the information system.


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